Ace Synthetic
Maintain Synthetic Case Integrity
Clean sensitive and complex multimodal data while preserving case integrity and feature maps.
Data Abundance
Multimodal synthetic cases, effortlessly
Realistic, feature-preserving datasets. Easily create datasets reflecting real-world complexity for accurate QA without patient risks.
Health Insurance
Feature Branching
Synthesize real-world complexity
Produce complex, multimodal, and feature-sensitive scenarios in healthcare, insurance, and government.
Dynamic Environments
Deploy test environments with clean, synthetic data at the push of a button.
Comprehensive analysis of multimodal features
Analyze structured & unstructured data to handle complex claims, name changes, and recurring admissions.
Feature Branching
Keep data relationships and feature maps
Preserve the intricate relationships in multimodal data from claims, diagnoses, and procedures for downstream QA and analytics.
Data relationships illustration

Meaningful Anonymization

Remove PHI/PII while preserving useful clinical details.

Preserve Patient Continuity

Ensure linked claims remain consistent, even with name changes or nicknames.

Enterprise Workloads

Quickly stand up new test environments from a central, well-maintained data pool.

Representative Synthetic Datasets

Generate data that mirrors real-world complexity for accurate QA and development.

Validate Complex Scenarios

Test readmissions, duplicates, and other intricate patterns with confidence.

Streamlined QA Integration

Reduce manual steps, enabling rapid testing and validation workflows.

Get started today